What Is Stretch Mark Removal?
Stretch marks appear as a result of the rupture of the collagen and elastin fibres, which are responsible for maintaining the elasticity of our skin. When the skin is subjected to extreme tension, these fibres are put under a lot of pressure and often can’t resist, which is when the rupture occurs. Hereditary factors can cause stretch marks, as well as other factors such as pregnancy, hormones, diabetes, excessive weight gain or extreme weight loss, and fast body growth.
The stretch mark removal procedure performed at Skinnovation Laser Centre uses a technique from Brazil called Micropoints technique. It is performed with a cosmetic tattooing machine and is based on mechanical stimulation. This innovative technique uses biotechnological cosmetics in order to regenerate the skin and activate the production of collagen, elastin, and melanin. This is a revolutionary method which treats older, white stretch marks in particular.
About The Stretch Marks Treatment Procedure
When you schedule your stretch mark removal treatment at Skinnovation Laser Clinic, our team will advise you on the best plan of action and help you figure out everything you need to know about this treatment. To regenerate the skin and encourage it to produce new collagen and elastin, we will use specific types of biotechnical cosmetics. These can reduce the appearance of your stretch marks and smooth out your skin on the treated area, which are the most important benefits of this procedure.
The required number of sessions will vary from one patient to another. These largely depend on the thickness of your stretch marks, post-treatment care, and your body’s ability to recover. Generally speaking, up to 6 sessions are required to achieve optimal results. Sessions should be done at a minimum of 4 weeks apart, so that the treated area gets a chance to recover properly after every session. If you have any questions regarding this phenomenal procedure, feel free to contact our team at Skinnovation Laser Clinic and learn more about the best treatment for stretch marks!
The Benefits Of Stretch Mark Removal
As this is a non-surgical procedure, it means that it is more affordable than its surgical counterpart – undergoing plastic surgery and physically removing the stretch marks. The costs involved in Micropoints technique of stretch mark removal are very reasonable.
This technique works best on old, white stretch marks,but also performs well on recent, red stretch marks. The reason why these are red is that the skin swells and fills up with blood in an attempt to recover. After a particular period of time, the cells settle and the stretch marks will become much lighter, which is a clear sign that they have been there for a longer time. Micropoints technique also targets wrinkles, fine lines, scars, and acne scarring, so contact our team at Skinnovation Laser Clinic and find out more about these treatments!
Who Is The Right Candidate For Stretch Mark Removal?
The right candidates for stretch mark removal in Sydney are all women and men who have developed stretch marks over time. Nearly everybody is a perfect candidate for this procedure, however, the most frequent patients are women who have recently given birth, as stretch marks are typically a natural part of pregnancy.
Other candidates are those who have lost a lot of weight, as well as bodybuilders who have rapidly developed considerable muscle mass. There are some conditions that exclude people from this procedure. These are conditions and diseases such as HIV, carcinogenic tumours, leukaemia, pacemakers, and contagious warts. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding aren’t candidates for this type of procedure.
Recovery Period And Results
The longevity of stretch mark removal sessions depends on the treated area, the amount of stretch marks, and the severity of the case. They typically range anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour. The downtime associated with this procedure is between 1 and 2 weeks, and it depends on each patient’s individual healing capabilities. The most common side-effects are redness and swelling, and the treated skin will scab and flake off in the next couple weeks after the treatment.
Even though we call it ‘stretch mark removal’, we must say that there currently is no method on the market that can completely remove stretch marks. Once the skin ruptures, it is physically impossible for it to go back to its original state. This is why our stretch mark removal procedure is designed to permanently diminish the appearance of stretch marks, reduce their visibility, and smooth out the skin in the treated area. Even though the ruptured skin will still be there, the actual stretch mark will be practically invisible to the naked eye!
Schedule Your Stretch Marks Treatment At Skinnovation Laser Clinic
Stretch marks are quite common in women and men of all ages and skin colours, and procedures to reduce their appearance are commonplace in the beauty industry. To speak to one of our specialists contact Skinnovation by phone or email today!
Our clinic is located in Sydney, in the heart of the Eastern Suburbs, at the Pacific Square Shopping Centre . If you have stretch marks and want them reduced our team will answer all your questions and help you devise a plan of action, so feel free to contact us to arrange a consultation.

- How many sessions are required?
The amount of sessions required will vary from one individual to another depending on thickness of the stretch marks, post treatment care and the individual’s ability to recover. Generally speaking, up to 6 sessions are required.
- What are the intervals between sessions?
Sessions should be done at a minimum of 4 weeks apart.
- Is there any downtime associated?
Yes, around 1-2 weeks depending on each individuals healing capabilities. The skin will look slightly red afterwards and will scab and flake off in the next couple of weeks after treatment.
- Does is remove the stretch marks permanently?
We don’t like to call it “Stretch Mark Removal” as there is no method in the market able to completely remove stretch marks, as one the skin is ruptured, it is impossible for it to go back to its original state. Micropoints treatment will permanently reduce appearance of stretch marks, being the most efficient method for stretch mark reduction available. 50% to 90% reduction can be achieved to the point where even though the stretch mark will still be there, it will be practically invisible to the naked eye.
- Is it painful?
It all depends on each individual pain threshold. Some people will find it painful, some people will find it ticklish.
- How long does each session take?
It all depends on the area treated, the amount of stretch marks and severity of the case. It can range anywhere from 10 minutes to 1 hour.
- Is there any contra-indication to treatment?
Yes, conditions such as Carcinogenic Tumors, HIV, Leukemia, Epilepsy, Pacemakers and Contagious Warts are contraindicated. Pregnant and breast feeding clients need doctor’s authorization in order to have treatment.
- What is the difference between red and white stretch marks? And can Micropoints treatment target both red and white stretch marks?
Red stretch marks are recent stretch marks and the reason why they are red is because the skin, in an attempt to recover, gets filled with blood vessels and swells. Over period of time, the cells will settle and the stretch mark lightens to a white colour, which is a sign that the stretch mark has been in the area for longer. Micropoints treatment can treat both red and white stretch marks but it will work best on white stretch marks.
- Is it safe?
Laser hair removal is proven to be extremely safe. All of the technicians at our clinic are certified and experienced laser professionals.
- How many treatments will I need?
We normally recommend around 8 to 10 treatments depending on the area treated. On facial hairs, around 10 to 15 treatments are required. The amount of treatments required will also vary from person to person, as each individual reacts to laser treatment in a different way.Treatments are done 4-6 weeks apart and must be done consistently for ultimate results.
- Are all hairs being removed on each session?
No. This is because the hair growth has different cycles. At each treatment session, only hairs in the Anagen phase (active growth phase) will be destroyed. Not all hairs will be in the same phase at the same time, hence why we recommend treatment every 4 to 6 weeks, to make sure all hairs get removed.
- Does it hurt?
This will vary from one individual to another. Most people find the discomfort to be minimal and associate the sensation to a rubber band flicking on the skin. We use the Zimmer cooling device to make sure treatment is as comfortable as possible.
- How do I prepare for my treatment?
Before you come for your laser appointment, it is recommended that you shave the areas treated two nights before the treatment. The shorter the hair, the better results you will get. This is because we need all of the laser energy to go down to the hair follicle, instead of being dispersed on hairs sitting on the surface. The only exception is on womens facial area. In this case, no preparation is required. The area treated must not have been waxed or plucked for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment as hair need to be existent inside hair follicle. This also applies to bleached hairs as very light hairs will not respond to treatment.
- What should I expect immediately after treatment?
Most people straight after treatment will experience erythema (redness – as in a mild sunburn) and edema (slight swelling of hair follicles that will look like little bumps). These reactions are completely normal and will subside in a few hours, however, they can persist for a few days in some clients. Applying Aloe Vera or any cooling gels to the area treated will assist in helping this reaction.
- Can I do laser hair removal over tattoos?
No. The laser targets any kind of pigment and will remove tattoos. We will carefully work around any tattoos in the area to be treated.
- Does it work on blonde/ grey hair?
The laser light is attracted to the pigment in the hair, therefore it works best on dark hairs. Blonde hairs and grey hairs do not respond to treatment.