Intimate Whitening Treatment

This treatment is performed to improve uneven pigmentation. It simultaneously rejuvenates and lightens the skin in the underarm and intimate areas. It can also be used on knees, elbows and inner thighs.

This is a 6 step easy procedure that both females and males can benefit from.

ONLY $295 for 4 weeks supply!

This six step procedure is provided to you with your purchase!

  • Step 1: Make sure the
    area being treated is clean and in a
    healthy condition.
  • Step 2: Apply Mandelic peel in a smooth
    homogenous thin layer. Leave it for 4
    minutes on the skin and then spray the
    neutralizing spray over the area or onto a
    cotton wool and wipe over the area.
  • Step 3: Remove with cool water on a
    cotton pad over the area.
  • Step 4: Apply the next ampoule in a thin
    layer and leave it for 15 minutes. Then
    neutralize with the neutralizing spray.
  • Step 5: Remove with cool water on a
    cotton pad over the area.
  • Step 6: Apply a thin layer of intimate
    withening cream on the area with a cotton pad.

PLUS: Apply intimate whitening cream to the
area every morning and night.


What The Intimate Whitening set contains:

Intimate Whitening Cream – 15gr

Neutralizing Spray – 50ml

Vial Meso Mandelic – 5ml

Vial Glutathione Pelling – 5ml


How to use the aftercare products?

  • Use MCCM Intimate Whitening Cream twice a day (just a thin layer on the area to be treated with circle movements until total absorption.)

Treatment Frequency:

  • Between 2 – 6 sessions

  • With a timeline of 2 weeks between sessions